University of Miami’s Jackson Health System/OBGYN Clerkship

CHS offers a culturally competent clerkship in the fields of Obstetrics and Gynecology for 3rd Year medical students from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (UM).

Students are assigned by the Director of Clerkship Rotation at Department of OBGYN. Students are trained and supervised by Jean-Baptiste Charlot, MD, FACOG. Dr. Charlot is an appointed Clinical Instructor for the University of Miami’s Jackson Health System/OBGYN residency program.

CHS is featured on Miamigration, a website dedicated to showing the New Miami as defined through the immigrant experience.

The Center for Haitian Studies in the Little Haiti neighborhood of Miami aims to serve the city’s underserved Haitian immigrants population. The clinic not only provides health services free of charge, but also provides patients with a culturally sensitive atmosphere. The clinic will accept, respect, and take care of anyone who needs medical attention.

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